to take part in your mission
in real time and around the world

Brilliant features,
exclusively for the Parrot ANAFI Ai

Invite remote participants to connect to the flight via a simple web browser (computer, tablet, smartphone), straight from the UA Cast mobile app

From the ua cast mobile application, allow a remote controler to co-pilot the drone via a simple web browser

From the ua cast website, view and manage your latest flights’ videos
A simple and secure application
A 3 -year license
The UA CAST license is valid for a renewable 3 -year period and allows you to benefit the application updates at no extra cost
A simple and intuitive experience
The UA CAST application is based on Parrot FreeFlight7, therefore it does not affect the user experience and the native functionality of the ANAFI AI. The telepilote simply downloads the UA Cast application instead of FreeFlight7 to benefit from all UA Cast features.
Secure data
The data transfered in real time is secured both by LTE networks and by ua cast technology, which is proven and audited by industrial actors. The data is then stored and encrypted in a secure cloud, accessible only from the web by the owner of the anafi ai ua cast.

Enjoy the full Parrot Freeflight user experience, complete with ua cast simplicity
Easy to use collaborative features from the ua cast menu
Paramount decision making features for all intervention units

Our ambition
For ergonomic and technical reasons, Drone footage captured during crisis management is often used only during debriefings but seldom as a source of information during the crisis itself; while those images could have proven decisive in crisis management if they had been shared in real time.
Our mission is to allow Drone pilots to easily and securely provide quality footage and scene data, without any hindrance during an already stressful situation.
We have the ambition to place drone pilots at the heart of information gathering that will benefit your whole team.